Probably the largest portion of any website traffic is made up of customers who so to say just peek into the e-shop and won't return anytime soon. Nevertheless, some of these customers will return, either the next day or a few days later.
It is this narrow group of e-shop customers that is really important, because if such a visit does not end in a purchase, there is a 97% chance that they will never return, and they are a lost customer..
Product pop-up is InteliMail's sexy feature that helps convert undecided and returning customers. It speeds up the purchase process and offers customers the products they have interest in.
Product pop-up helps convert a customer who has returned to the e-shop (such a customer is 97% irretrievably lost based on statistics).
PProduct pop-up can be minimized or completely closed by the customer so that it does not interfere with the purchase process.
It is precisely this group of customers mentioned above that is targeted by the remarketing pop-up, which offers relevant products to the customer based on an analysis of their previous visit. The pop-up opens immediately after the customer arrives at the e-shop and contains 6 products (that the customer was interested in during the previous visit and possibly alternative or related products).
Remarketing pop-up results
Out of 3,690 pop-ups displayed, in 74 cases the visit to the e-shop ended with a purchase. That's a conversion rate of 2% and the average order went up by a whopping 89%. In 90% of the cases, customers purchased at least one of the products they found in the pop-up window. Considering that in those 74 cases, those were 97% of customers who were irretrievably lost, that's a great performance.
Returning customers also include those who have made a purchase in the recent past. They return to the e-shop just to check the status of their order or to view other goods offered by the e-shop. In a brick-and-mortar store, a good salesperson (with superhuman qualities) will recognize the customer, recall the whole genesis of their previous purchase and offer them the products they came for as soon as they enter. For example, if a customer has purchased a bike, the next time the customer visits the shop / e-shop, a good salesperson will offer them appropriate accessories (e.g.: cycling gloves, cycling clothing, protective elements, a spare inner tube, a pump, etc... etc...). In an e-shop, the best sales assistant for such cases is the retargeting pop-up.
Retargeting pop-up results
Of the 9,211 pop-ups displayed, 157 resulted in a purchase. That's a conversion rate of 1.7% and the average order went up by 27%. However, it should be mentioned here that these are customers who have only recently made a purchase in the e-shop. In 67% of the cases, customers purchased at least one of the products they found in the pop-up window. Retargeting is simply an indispensable sales assistant that will make existing customers happy again and again.