A year has passed and it's time to reflect on results

05.05.2022 • 1 min 15 sec read

Furniture, home accessories, car cosmetics, car parts, sports equipment, clothing, art supplies and much more. InteliMail helps e-shops sell all this, always without human work, planning, configuration, training... all the time, whether it's Friday or a holiday :-)

It was no different with our client www.bighome.sk

InteliMail scored in the first weeks with high ranking in Google Analytics. We checked the results after a year to make sure InteliMailwas working properly, to verify the benefit for our customers and also to show off :-)

Annual results

In the annual results, InteliMail ranked 3rd in traffic sources with a turnover share of 8.52%, overtaking even direct traffic. After the initial exhaustion of imported database potential, there was a momentary drop in revenue, InteliMail started growing at a steady pace:

(údaje z Google Analytics)

In the last 3 months InteliMail has worked its way up to the 2nd position in e-shop revenues with almost a 15% share and a 19% share in the last 2 months with.

Results are the only thing no e-mail platform can guarantee.

PS: Everyone knows how to send an e-mail nowadays, but achieving the desired effect is a whole different matter...

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